Step by step instructions to Display Google+ Profile Widget in WordPress
Google+ has been a mainstream subject for as long as couple of weeks. This new informal organization is becoming exceptionally quick. Well known tech big names as of now brags thousands devotees (around and around). In case you are one of the energetic enthusiasts of Google+ and need to get your profile more openness by adding a profile gadget to your WordPress blog, then, at that point you have gone to the correct spot. GoogleCards module adds a gadget to your blog that will show a connection to your google+ profile so individuals can add you to a circle (follow you). It additionally shows your name, profile picture and the quantity of individuals who have you around and around.
First thing you need to do is introduce and actuate the module, GoogleCards. Whenever you have done that, then, at that point visit Appearence » Widgets tab. There you will see a gadget that you can haul to your sidebar called GoogleCards.
On the off chance that you notice there is a field that requests that you enter your Google+ ID. Go to your Google Plus Profile and snap on the symbol that is displayed in the picture above. Then, at that point duplicate the ID from the urlWhen you click save, then, at that point it will appear on your sidebar
Download GoogleCards now and have a cool gadget in your sidebar.