The Ultimate Guide To Change Your Wordpress Username

The most effective method to Properly Change Your WordPress Username (Step by Step) 

Have you at any point attempted to change your WordPress username just to discover that it can't be changed? Assuming you are, well this article is for you. In this article, we will show you three unique strategies to change your WordPress username. 

Change WordPress user name

Technique 1: Create a New User and Delete The Old One 

The most effortless approach to change your WordPress username is by making another client with your ideal username and with the head client job. You should utilize an alternate email address than the one utilized by the old record. 

Presently you need to logout and afterward login with the new client account you just made. Go to the Users segment and snap on the Delete interface under your old username 

Delete the user

While erasing your old client, WordPress will ask how you need to manage their substance. Ensure that you click on 'Trait all substance to:' alternative and afterward select the new client you just made. Snap on the 'Affirm Deletion' catch to erase the old client account. 

Attributes all content to new user

That is all you have effectively changed your WordPress username. Assuming you need you can change the email address of the new client to utilize the old email address related with the old username. 

Technique 2: Change Username by Using a Plugin 

Another straightforward method to change your WordPress username is by utilizing a module. In case you are one of those clients who would prefer not to introduce a module for each easily overlooked detail, then, at that point let us guarantee you that you can securely erase the module whenever you have changed your WordPress username. 

First thing you need to do is introduce and enact the Username Changer plugin. Upon enactment, basically go to Users » Username Changer page. 

Change user name using plugin

Select the username you need to change, and afterward enter the new username. Snap on the save changes catch and you are finished. 

Technique 3: Change Your WordPress Username Using phpMyAdmin 

This technique is somewhat muddled as it requires rolling out direct improvements to your WordPress information base. We as a rule don't prescribe clients to roll out direct improvements to their WordPress information base. Notwithstanding, at times you might not have some other alternative. Like for instance, assuming you have failed to remember your WordPress username and email address, you can not get to the administrator dashboard to change username. 

Utilizing this strategy, you can discover your username and you can likewise transform it. 

First thing you need to do is login to your cPanel. Look down to the data sets area and snap on phpMyAdmin. 

phpMyAdmin from cPanel

Next you need to choose the data set that your blog is facilitated in. 

phpMyAdmin choose Database

You will see your WordPress database tables. As a matter of course, WordPress database tables use wp_ as prefix before each table's name. It is conceivable that you might have been utilizing some other prefix. 

Snap on the table wp_users on the left hand side. Then, at that point click alter on the username that you need to alter. 

Edit username

Change the user_login worth to anything you desire. For instance you can supplant 'administrator' to 'weave' 

Change username login value

Hit the Go catch and you are finished. 

That is all, we trust this article assisted you with figuring out how to change your WordPress username. You may likewise need to look at our aide on what to do when you are locked out of WordPress administrator region.

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